Read the text below before joining Oman Service :
You must be a member of the site to use the site's services.
Quick registration of users!
After registration, you must complete your account.
The user account contains your identity and communication information that we need to serve and communicate with you.
To register your request, you must log in to the site and proceed from the menu to submit a request.
Enter the site right now and register your first request!!
After registering the request from the user panel, you will receive an SMS.
As soon as you receive the SMS, Oman Service experts will check your service in a few minutes and take action on it..
From now on, we will follow up your order with the help of our colleagues.
We will be happy to see you among our users and leave some of your service needs to us safely..
Quick registration of experts!
After registration, authentication is done.
Your identification documents along with the relevant licenses will be checked by the Oman Service team.
After confirming the documents, it is your turn to sign the contract.
We sign this contract with you to provide better services to our users.
At this stage, it is your turn to learn.
In order to provide the best possible service, you will get to know how the site and application work in a few sessions.
Now you are a trained user and you can cooperate with Oman Service platform.
We will be happy to see you in our company and leave the tasks requested by users to you.